A community of over 500,000 passionate technologists.

Become a member, today!

We created Machine Learning India's Community Platform with the idea to create a common area for passionate technologists to network, share knowledge, and learn.

We vibe with our tribe.

We wanted to provide you - a platform that'll enable you to directly connect with us at MLI, so that we be able to help you get clarity on your next moves with respect to your career in AI, provide support, connections, and tools you need, to make it all happen. Together we can help each other to make the leap into the unknown and pursue a career and life, rich with purpose. Join our tribe to get a flavor of our ethos and approach.

Machine Learning beginner, expert
or dangling mid-way?

Whatever stage you're at,
we've got your back!

Why join?

Shared Values
We are a different breed. Where others see competition and self-interest, we at MLI see collaboration. 

The Right Questions
The right questions can transform your career. The conversations on our platform get you thinking deeper. 

Conversations That Matter
We firmly believe that vulnerability is the route to authentic connections, so we've created a safe space where we can sweat the big stuff. We don't want you to struggle alone, rather ask for help and feel the power of our community!

Value For You

By joining our community platform, you:

  • Get direct access to #teamMLI.

  • Get exclusive content, mentorship, and conversations you can’t find anywhere else. 

  • Initiate conversations or participate in groups with other community members that have like-minded interests, get doubts solved, and receive guidance.

  • Make better, more well-informed decisions about your career in the fields of AI and Data Science.

  • Swap stories, experiences, and ideas around our shared mission which is to build an AI ecosystem in India.

  • Find inspiration, thought-provoking discussions, and expert perspectives each and every day.

  • Community events, outings, workshops, networking sessions, and much more!

  • Opportunity groups, study circles, coding challenges, quizzes on the way!

About Us

Founded in April of 2018, Machine Learning India (MLI), is a thriving community of over 500,000 ardent - artificial intelligence and machine learning enthusiasts across India and the globe. We at MLI, believe that India has the potential to position itself among leaders, on the global technology map.

The goal of MLI is to reduce the skill gap in India, by creating a vibrant AI ecosystem and talent pool; thereby leading our country to have a significant take on the global AI revolution. To pursue the same, we intend to democratize quality technical education, resources, and opportunities and make them available to all.

Our Team